Letter from the CEO, November 2018

We Care About What Matters to You: Leadership is Listening

By Leon L. Haley Jr., MD, MHSA, CPE, FACEP

On Aug. 31, we concluded our annual employee engagement survey. Now that the results are in, we are in the process of evaluating your feedback and making changes that will affect the way we do things at UF Health.

We have already started three major initiatives based on previous survey results, as well as suggestions received from employees throughout the year:

  • We created a millennials focus group composed of employees from UF Health Jacksonville, UF College of Medicine – Jacksonville and UF Jacksonville Physicians Inc. This group meets monthly to discuss matters of concern to the millennial generation. Topics such as ways to recruit and retain millennials, what they want in a work environment, compensation, benefits, the hiring process, incentives, work culture and workplace policies are popular.
  • We launched the Leadership, Excellence, Action and Partnership program, or LEAP. A collaboration of the three core entities on campus, LEAP was designed to identify opportunities to train and equip upcoming leaders within our health system for greater responsibility and to groom them for greater participation in strategizing for the future of the organization.
  • Various training opportunities, such as the Leadership Development Institute session last month, also bring colleagues together to explore ways to maximize effective leadership techniques.

These efforts are a part of our workforce strategic plan and are a result of your feedback!

Your input is very important because it helps us better understand and address the issues that matter most to you. In the upcoming months, you will see specific action plans executed to help facilitate change.

I hope you feel a sense of pride as you see your recommendations coming to fruition throughout our organization. You play a key role in shaping the future of UF Health and improving the quality of our operations and services.

As always, it’s a privilege to be your CEO.


Leon L. Haley Jr., MD, MHSA, CPE, FACEP